Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

English 98 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

approved by English Department on 11-19-19

Demonstrate comprehension of assigned texts by identifying the main ideas and supporting examples.

Develop organized paragraphs supported with evidence from class texts and personal experience or observation. 

Create a thesis to focus on a purpose and respond to a rhetorical situation.
Respond to the needs of an academic audience by choosing appropriate syntax, diction, grammar, and mechanics.
Apply instructional feedback to the stages of the writing process. 

English 110 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

approved by English Department on 11-19-

Analyze college-level texts by identifying and evaluating main ideas, audience, purpose, organization, strength of evidence, and rhetorical strategies.

Write coherent, thesis-driven academic prose that is grammatically and syntactically appropriate.

Gather, evaluate, and synthesize sources in an appropriately documented essay.

Apply knowledge of writing as a process that includes revision.

 English 111 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

approved by English Department on 11-19-19

Apply methods of critical thinking and logical reasoning to the analysis of literary texts.

Compose thesis-driven academic essays, including a research paper, that integrate appropriate sources and documentation to support and advance argument.

Employ the recursive stages of the writing process to generate ideas, develop claims and support, structure argument, and edit for disruptive errors.