Faculty and Staff

Culinary Arts

Name Position Phone/Ext. E-mail
Barker, Donna Instructor (805) 965-0581 dsbarker1@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Fredericks, Charles Instructor (805) 965-0581 x3099 frederic@sbcc.edu
Gott, Anne   (805) 965-0581 amgott1@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Rapp, Stephane Instructor (805) 965-0581 x4259 rapps@sbcc.edu
Sjerven, Mitchell Instructor (805) 965-0581 mbsjerven@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Vanhecke, Vincent Instructor (805) 965-0581 vvanhecke@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Vonheckler, Michael Instructor (805) 965-0581 mjvonheckler@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Wise, Kendra Instructor (805) 965-0581 kjwise@pipeline.sbcc.edu

Hotel Management

Name Position Phone/Ext. E-mail
Bublitz, Randy Associate Professor (805) 965-0581 x4257 bublitz@sbcc.edu
Bullock, Paul Instructor (805) 965-0581 pabullock@pipeline.sbcc.edu

Administration and Staff

Name Position Phone/Ext. E-mail
Allain, Sandra Supervisor - Food Service (805) 965-0581 x5173 allain@sbcc.edu
Cardillo, Gerri CLL Teacher HEALTH (805) 965-0581 french@sbcc.edu
De Alba, Monica LTA (805) 965-0581 mdealba@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Leelahatorn, Mayuree LTA (805) 965-0581 x4258 leelahat@sbcc.edu
Lopez Carrillo, Roberto LTA (805) 965-0581 rlopezcarrillo@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Price, Alan Dean (805) 965-0581 aprice3@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Smith, Elizabeth LTA (805) 965-0581 x5173 smithe@sbcc.edu