Prerequisite Deadlines & Processing Information


Requests submitted within five (5) business days of the deadline may not be processed in time for you to register before the last day to add. To register after the last day to add you need to submit a Petition for Late Add to Admissions & Records. 


Fall 2024 Friday, August 30, 2024*
Spring 2025 Friday, January 31, 2025*

*Exceptions: For early and late start courses, check the Class Schedule for important dates and deadlines - prerequisite clearance requests are accepted until the Friday before the class starts. However, we cannot guarantee that it will be processed in time for you to register.

Processing Information
  • Verification forms are reviewed in the order they are received.
  • Requests are processed within ten (10) business days of receipt of your completed form and all required documentation. This timeframe excludes weekends, holidays, and campus closures and timelines are subject to change without notice. 
  • Students are not permitted to enroll in courses requiring prerequisites or corequisites until their request has been approved. 
  • An approved petition does not guarantee space in any course.
  • An add code from an instructor does not override a Prerequisite Clearance Form. 
  • Exceptions may be made for performance classes where students may be able to satisfy a prerequisite with an audition ( e.g. music, drama, intercollegiate sports).

Click here for more information on prerequisite and corequisite:

Instructions & Forms

Prerequisite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Prerequisite Homepage

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