The Writing Center
The Santa Barbara City College Writing Center, located in the Cartwright Learning Resources Center, is available to all SBCC students in all subject areas. Professional, trained tutors work one-on-one with students in all stages of the writing process in order to complement classroom writing instruction and assist students in meeting the reading and writing demands of their courses.
By working with tutors, students are able to expand their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Interaction and student-centered dialogue in the Writing Center require and encourage active student involvement and mutual, concentrated analysis of students' work. Tutors do not "correct" or "edit" student papers; instead, they use leading questions, print and web resources, relevant examples, and follow-up sessions to support students in planning, outlining, revising, or finalizing their writing assignments.
The Writing Center and the Partnership for Student Success
The PSS has helped to expand the scope and quality of Writing Center services by hiring two full-time lab teaching assistants. These LTAs hire tutors, develop and implement training materials, and establish a default tutoring sequence to enhance consistency of practice among diverse tutors and students. The Writing Center has also hired a receptionist to manage appointments and regulate tutor-student contact.